Chapter Chair
Lance Hornby, Toronto Sun, (1986) @sunhornby
Chris Johnston, The Athletic (2004) @reporterchris – Executive Vice President
Steve Simmons, Toronto Sun, (1980) @simmonssteve
Terry Koshan, Toronto Sun, (1999) @koshtorontosun
Kevin McGran, Toronto Star, (2006) @kevin_mcgran
Sean Fitz-Gerald, The Athletic, (2008) @SeanFitz_Gerald
James Mirtle, The Athletic, (2009) @mirtle
Dave Feschuk, Toronto Star, (2011) @dfeschuk
Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star, (2014) @RDiManno
Marty Klinkenberg, Globe and Mail, (2016) @globemartyk
Jonas Siegel, The Athletic, (2015) @jonassiegel
Kristen Shilton, ESPN, (2016) @kristen_shilton
Josh Clipperton, Canadian Press, (2017) @JClipperton_CP
Mark Masters, TSN, (2017) @markhmasters
Arun Srinivasan, Yahoo Sports Canada, (2022) @ARunThings
Cindy Caron, L’Express, (2021) @CinCaron
David Alter, The Hockey News, (2021) @Dalter
Justin Bourne, Sportsnet, (2013) @jtbourne
Scott Cullen, Sportsbook Review, (2022) @ByScottCullen
Steven Ellis, Daily Faceoff, (2022) @SEllisHockey
Luke Fox, Sportsnet, (2014) @lukefoxjukebox
Scott Maxwell, Daily Faceoff (2024) @scotmaxw
Nick Barden, The Hockey News (2024) @nickbarden